Friday, February 26, 2010

picture of the day

found @ bibliOdyssey
not sure what this is referring too... perhaps a constellation??

Thursday, February 25, 2010

picture of the day

found @ some guy's birdwatching blog
he says "...To end the trip we walked along part of the river where a surprise highlight for me was a very well fed Porcupine literally out on a limb eating twigs about 25ft up in the air."
i had no idea porcupine's climbed trees!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

melt my heart

all of these pictures were taken from who i know got them from, who i think got them from somebody else. this is a happy mamma tamandua and newborn baby.
(tamanduas are also known as lesser anteaters b/c they are smaller than giant anteaters). thought these were some great pictures.

picture of the day

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

picture of the day

click the image to see much larger. found at one of my favorite sites: BibliOdyssey
intriguing collection of prints, illustrations/books & history. ♥

image above: "Martin Luther’s first translation of the entire New Testament ['Das Newe Testament Deutzsch'] from the Greek original was published by Melchior Lotter the Younger in September 1522, with woodcut illustrations by Lucas Cranach." can anybody tell me what story this is illustrating? it didn't have it marked where i found it. fascinating imagery.

to see more click here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

picture of the day

october 1st, 1995: Robert Overcracker rides a jet-ski over the brink of the Horseshoe Falls to help promote awareness for the homeless. His parachute did not open and Robert ended up promoting better parachutes. He plugned to his death and his body was never recovered. An egyptian tourist captured this amazing image.

found at: daredevils of niagara falls