Thursday, July 30, 2009

guilty pleasure

i've created a new image archive...

i love it. so simple. and it just goes on, and on, and on... endless scrolling.

for now i'm calling it "don't eat the daisies".

when i started this blog i was looking for a place where i could put all this stuff i find and share it with others. everything on here is pretty much just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the hordes of images i click&save. i'm still gonna keep this glob going...

"don't eat the daisies" is gonna be more like a dumpster (where all of it goes without rhyme or reason), and this glob here will be more like the result of some dumpster diving (going through & picking out some good stuff to use individually / look @ a bit more closely).

(póg mo thóin is Irish-Gaelic meaning "kiss my ass.")

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